Constitution arguements and debates
Unless otherwise noted, these debates are adapted from a set of e-mail conversations between my friends and I on the constitution. The character of e-mail is difficult to capture in HTML, and so they have been re-formetted into running dialogues on a number of subjects. In truth, the debates occured as a number of paralel conversations, with replies intersperced within each arguement as is the custom.
Alas! I have lost the disk on which most of the original debates were kept. :( this page may grow in the future, but I wouldn't count on it.
All Exerpts reprinted with permission from the original authors, who retain copyright.
On To...
- Homepage
- The homepage of this site
- Webrings
- Webring users, if you are not interested in this site please click here to go back to the ring codes.
- My constitution
- The document itself.
- Links
- To other online resources of interest to those studying constitutional and revolutionary theory.
- The constitutional and economic theory reader
- A list of those books I've found invalueable in thinking and debating political philoisophy and economy.
- The Revolutionary reader
- The difinitive reading list for all would-be revolutionaries.
Copyright 2000 Jack Durst, last modified 7/26/2000 12:51AM PDT